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An Academic Lecture from the School of Law

[Lecture] The Commonality, Individuality, and Principles of Chinese-style Modernization of the Rule of Law

Speaker: Prof. Hao Tiechuan (Henan University)

Date: November 13, 2024(Wednesday)

Time: 19:00-21:00

Venue: Middle District Auditorium

Report Content: I. The commonality of Chinese-style modernization of the rule of law; II. The individuality of Chinese-style modernization of the rule of law; III. The principles of Chinese-style modernization of the rule of law.

Introduction to the Reporter: Hao Tiechuan, doctor of History, postdoctoral in Law, professor, currently Honorary Dean and Distinguished Professor of the School of Law at Henan University. Since 1983, he has published many papers and over twenty monographs.

Source: NYNU Academic Activities (Chinese)


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