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On the afternoon of December 7, at the invitation of the School of Life Science and Agricultural Engineering, Professor Zheng Chunfu, the 2021-2022 Global Top Scientist of Elsevier and the selected candidate of the 100 Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave an academic report entitled Evasion of Host Antiviral Innate Immunity by HSV-1 to the teachers and students of our university. The report was presided over by Yao Lunguang, dean of the School of Life Science and Agricultural Engineering. Li Dandan, dean of the Institute of Modern Biotechnology, and some teachers and students of the School attended the meeting.

Based on his own scientific research experience, Professor Zheng Chunfu introduced the molecular mechanism of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection and the signal transduction pathway of innate immune process, combining with the research results of his research group. Subsequently, the key issues in the writing of SCI papers and the precautions in the application of the National Natural Science Foundation of China were shared with the teachers and students. Finally, Professor Zheng had an in-depth exchange with teachers and students on the immune escape mechanism of virus-infected hosts and project declaration.

This report will enhance the understanding of the teachers and students of our university on the cutting-edge progress in the field of virology, and also lay a good foundation for the next step of in-depth scientific research cooperation, which will promote the scientific research level of the School of Life Science and Agricultural Engineering in related fields to a new level.


Written by: Yang Shuqiong

Photos by: Wang Shengping

Source: NYNU News (Chinese)




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