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On the afternoon of May 13th, Professor Wu Wenke, doctoral supervisor, Honorary Director of the Quyi Institute of the Chinese National Academy of Arts, Director of the Department of Drama, Opera, and Quyi Studies, was invited to NYNU to give a report titled Discussion on Quchang Musicand Its Research and Teaching. Leaders of the School of Music and some representatives of teachers and students attended. The report was presided over by Zhang Wenmin, vice dean of the School of Music.

Professor Wu Wenkes academic report focused on the research scope of quchang music and the basic paths of teaching. It introduced the performance types and musical forms of quyi in a profound yet accessible way, and proposed a teaching philosophy for local colleges and music schools that is based on local resources, oriented towards local needs, and serves the national agenda. This philosophy has both practical significance and theoretical value.

Professor Wu Wenkes report is highly cutting-edge and expansive in the field of music research, enriching the understanding of quyi studies among the faculty and students of our university, and playing an important role in refining the research direction of the music academy and applying for high-level scientific research projects.

After the report meeting, Liu Shouyong, the Discipline Inspection Secretary of NYNU, presented a part-time professor appointment letter to Wu Wenke.


Written & Photo by: Zhang Yu

Source: NYNU News (Chinese)



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